
The Papillon is a toy companion dog that originated in France and Belgium.

Appearance & Grooming

The Papillon is an extra-small dog with signature butterfly-shaped ears. The breed has soft and glossy fur in lemon, sable, black, white, red, and tan. The Papillon sheds seasonally and requires weekly brushing when shedding.

Behavior & Disposition

The Papillon is known for its active, alert, intelligent, and sociable character. They tend to play well with younger children. However, adult supervision is recommended when playing with puppies and other dogs.

Activity Level

The Papillon has a moderate activity level and it is easy for the breed to become overweight. For optimal health, the Papillon should be carefully monitored for calorie consumption and should have daily walks.


The Papillon is a very smart dog and can be trained quickly. Leaving this breed alone for a long time is not recommended due to their tendency to have a strong bond with their dog parent.

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